Monday, January 28, 2013

Blogging After

I had intended on posting a new blog every day or two in order to keep things flowing well.  I have even succeeded in my pie a week challenge thus far.  However, I had a few setbacks since the year started that have kept me preoccupied.  Family health issues, personal logistics stuff, and some loss.

The loss isn't as terrible as it sounds.  I had to re-home my gorgeous  perfect, pug son.  It's been in the works for a while now, but that doesn't make things any easier for myself or my daughter.  So instead of spending my free time blogging, I spent it playing and cuddling with my handsome boy so that I could have lots of wonderful memories.  Now that he's gone, I should be back on the blogging ball as I'll need a distraction once my daughter goes to bed.  In the meantime, I can't help but think about how much I miss my Hamilton <3

Monday, January 7, 2013

Pie A Week Challenge Week 1

One of my goals for this year is to bake one pie a week.  I have been having a very tumultuous beginning to this year so I was really looking forward to some baking time.  I wound up squeezing it in last night.  I decided to start the year with this recipe from Whole Living.  I couldn't find any fresh or frozen cranberries in my neighborhood so I wound up having to double the amount of dried cranberries.  Here is my finished product:
I'm not a great photographer but I tried
Overall this wasn't a difficult recipe which is a plus for a the first one of the year.  I like the mix of flavors.  However I do feel that it was a bit too tart.  If I ever make this pie again I would go for a more mellow apple to even out the tartness.  As it is I need to eat this with a scoop of vanilla ice cream to try to balance the flavor.  I think I'll keep this recipe for the future.